Sylvia Ochs to Retire at 93

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On March 31, 2023, Ochs Real Estate will be closing its doors after 30 years. Its proprietor, Sylvia Ochs is retiring at 93 years. Following a lifetime of hard work, dedication, volunteer work, and growth, Ochs will be moving into a smaller office nearby. Her version of retirement is to keep working - only just when she wants to now and only for herself.

“I’m still gonna be downtown,” said Ochs, “I’m going to only work part time. I have rental houses, and I’ll just be taking care of my business there, instead of at my house. I just want to spend more time with family. I guess I can just do what I want to do when I want to do it. I won’t live by the clock.”

Ochs Real Estate has been in business for 30 years. Sylvia Ochs has been a real estate agent for 49 years. She worked her first 19 years for Goodyear Green before opening Ochs Real Estate in the early 1990s. She has had 21 realtors work for her.

She was born on a farm near Crescent, Oklahoma, but she has spent most of her life in Guthrie. She attended college in Edmond, her first career was with the USDA. She spent 30 years making loans, making government farm payments, measuring acres, and working auctions.

Her husband was the Guthrie Fire Chief and an auctioneer, and she went to work with him. He got his real estate license, so she did too.

“It’s an interesting business,” said Ochs, “If you please somebody and they find their home, it’s important. Buying a home is one of the biggest things you ever buy. You have to learn to control your private time in real estate, because it’s a 24/7 job and will take all of your time if you let it.”

“I love being in Logan County. We also sold in the surrounding counties if needed, like Oklahoma, Kingfisher, and Payne. The interesting thing is you get to meet new people and introduce them to our local community. Isn’t that great?”

Ochs was also involved in many community organizations throughout her career. She was the first woman to become President of the Guthrie Lions Club, and she was always a member of the Chamber of Commerce. She supported the FFA and the Historical Society, and she started the singles ministry at her church. She was a big supporter of Byron Berline and has always loved volunteering to help with anything musical. At one point, she counted and realized she was participating in 12 different organizations.

“I know it’s kind of busy,” said Ochs, “but when the crisis comes in your life, you either get up and go, or you lay down and die, and it’s never been my theory to do anything but to get up and go.”

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” has always been her motto.

In 2020, she was given the John Gumerson Lifetime Achievement Award by the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce.

Sparkman Group, LLC, a new company founded by Sylvia Ochs’ niece and husband, Jennifer, and Stephen Sparkman, will be taking over the office at 102 West Oklahoma Avenue, opening April 1st, 2023.

“I just want to thank the community for allowing me to work here this long,” said Ochs, “and I’m glad that I’m able to retire here. I never really wanted to live anywhere else.”


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