USPS Operation Santa


SANTA’S ADDRESS: 123 Elf Rd North Pole, 88888

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To any parent struggling to afford Christmas this year, all you have to do is write a letter.

If your child writes a letter to Santa and mails it to the address below USPS will post it to the Operation Santa website. Someone will then anonymously adopt your letter and buy the gift(s) requested.. then it will be shipped to your house from “Santa”. Make sure to include their name, age, favorite color, clothes size, shoe size and anything they might want or need! Make sure you put your exact mailing address on the envelope when you mail it so that way the person who adopts your letter to play Santa can ship the gifts!

SANTA’S ADDRESS: 123 Elf Rd North Pole, 88888 For everyone who is wondering “why give your kids’ address out?” The answer is, you don’t. All personal information is removed from the adoption list. It’s replaced with a QR Code which the adoptee must take to the post office when they are ready to ship the gifts. The post office then prints the shipping label from their database and places it on the packaging after the adoptee has left, so no one will see your address or children’s names except the post office employees.


Since the letter writer’s personal information is protected — including their address — the QR Code sent to your email account must be taken to the Post Office when you’re ready to ship the gift. The postal clerk will retrieve the information and will place the shipping label (with the letter writer’s address) on the package without you seeing it.

If you would like anymore information go to For letter templates: https://www.uspsoperationsanta. com/getinvolved/ letterwriting If you or your company wants to adopt a family for the holidays, visit the link below. https://www.uspsoperationsanta. com/how#give If you do not want to send a letter then please consider adopting a letter this year. We need more people to adopt letters & make a child’s wish come true this Christmas.


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