City of Guthrie awarded water line replacement grant


The City of Guthrie was recently awarded a $1 million OWRB ARPA Grant from the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) for a $2,007,408.96 water main replacement project. The City will provide $1,007,408.696 of local matching funds.

The purpose of this project is to replace deteriorated and failing water mains and valves within the City of Guthrie.

According to the City press release, some of the water mains are undersized for current demand which results in reduced pressure and many of the system’s shutoff valves are no longer functional, thus requiring the city to shut down its entire water system on occasion to repair leaks on major lines. The project includes replacement of approximately 7,090 linear feet (1.34 miles) of water mains involving multiple locations within the water system. By replacing the water lines, the overall looping capabilities of the entire system will be improved, the press release said.


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