USDA Revises Child Nutrition Rules For School Lunches

  • GPS
  • GHS

Parents across the country including in Guthrie will notice changes in the school lunch
pricing from what has been in place over the last two years. Last night, the Guthrie
Board of Education approved the price for meals served to students. The previous two
years, all student meals were provided with no cost to the student. Recently, the U. S.
Department of Agriculture who administers the Federal School Lunch Program returned
to the pre-COVID practice of requiring students to qualify for free or reduced meals
based on household income.
The current enrollment process includes an application for all parents to complete which
allows the district to review household eligibility for free or reduced meal costs. Child
Nutrition account balances have been transferred to the new student information
system, Infinite Campus, and parents may review those balances after completing their
parent portal registration.
Meal prices for the 2022-23 school year by grade are as follows:
PreK-6 Breakfast $1.70
7-12 Breakfast $1.80
PreK-4 Lunch $3.00
5-6 Lunch $3.20
7-12 Lunch $3.30
Quotes from Guthrie Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mike Simpson:
“It is very important that parents complete the free and reduced meal application so our
staff can review them for eligibility prior to the start of school. We want parents to be
prepared for this change which was out of our control.”


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